and! Sales Service Request Form
Welcome to the and! Sales service request form. This form is to request service for the following items:
- Monthly Specials
- Updating Brands
- Updating Catalogs
- Updating Reps
- Business Cards and Stickers
Below are instructions for submitting service requests for each item.
Monthly Specials:
- Subject line: Enter the month the special takes place and the word specials. Example: December Specials
- Type of request: Select Monthly Special
- Priority: If changes need to be made within 24 hours please mark priority as High
- Due Date: Select a due date
- Add Relevant Attachment: Attach the file containing all of the specials for that month
- Enter your name and email so we know who to contact if there is an issue
- No other entry is required
- Click Submit!
Updating Brands:
Please note that updating catalogs is separate
- Subject line: Enter whether a brand needs to be added, removed or updated. Example: Add Acme Candles
- Type of request: Select Update Brand
- Description: Leave instructions about the type of update to be made
- Priority: If changes need to be made within 24 hours please mark priority as High
- Due Date: Select a due date
- Add Relevant Attachment: Attach relevant files if any
- Enter your name and email so we know who to contact if there is an issue
- No other entry is required
- Click Submit!
Updating Calatlogs:
- Subject line: Enter Catalog Update
- Type of request: Update Catalog
- Description: Enter the brand that needs the updated catalog and where to find the catalog, in Dropbox or attached. If there are multiple brands please list all brands and where to find the catalog.
- Priority: If changes need to be made within 24 hours please mark priority as High
- Due Date: Select a due date
- Add Relevant Attachment: Attached the catalog if it is not in Dropbox.
- Enter your name and email so we know who to contact if there is an issue
- No other entry is required
- Click Submit!
Update Rep:
- Subject line: Enter the name of the rep and the update that needs to be made. Example: Nicholas Vafakas Remove
- Type of request: Select update Rep
- Description: Enter the update that needs to be made to the rep. Add, Remove, change territory, update contact info, etc.
- Priority: If changes need to be made within 24 hours please mark priority as High
- Due Date: Select a due date
- Add Relevant Attachment: Attached any relevant information
- Enter your name and email so we know who to contact if there is an issue
- No other entry is required
- Click Submit!
Business Cards and Stickers:
- Subject line: Enter the name of the rep and what product they need. Example: Nicholas Vafakas Business Cards
- Type of request: Select Order Business Cards and Stickers
- Description: If the and! Sales Business Card and Bio form is not available, please enter the rep’s name, title, territory, contact info, and shipping address.
- Priority: If changes need to be made within 24 hours please mark priority as High
- Due Date: Select a due date
- Add Relevant Attachment: Attached the and! Sales Business Card and Bio form
- Enter your name and email so we know who to contact if there is an issue.
- No other entry is required.
- Click Submit!
If you have any problems please email: for assistance.